A collection of classic cars seen in use on Street View

The intention is eventually list all pre 1975 cars seen on Street View, not just exotica.
If you find a pre 1975 car on Street View please send the details using the submission form in the column on the right.
Cars must be on the road or in another public place - please, no cars in gardens or private driveways.
Click on the "coordinates" link for each car to see the original Street View - but please note that the image may no longer be on the Streetview Database.

Ford Tudor Sedan 1935

Ford Tudor Sedan  1935

Coordinates -37.7284324,145.0434503

Picture dated June 2014

In 1927 Ford replaced the hugely successful Model T, which had been in production since 1908 4,858,644.

The new Model A was given a water-cooled L-head inline 4-cylinder engine with a displacement of 201cu in, giving a top speed of around 65 mph. The transmission was a conventional 3-speed sliding gear manual unsynchronised unit with a single speed reverse. The braking was by 4-wheel mechanical drum brakes.

The Model A was the first Ford to use the standard set of driver controls with conventional clutch and brake pedals, throttle, and gear shift. It came in a wide variety of styles including: Coupe, Business Coupe, Sport Coupe, Roadster Coupe, Convertible Cabriolet, Convertible Sedan, Phaeton, Tudor Sedan, Town Car, Fordor (2-window), Fordor (3-window), Victoria, Station Wagon, Taxicab, Truck, and Commercial

For more information on the Model A Ford see here.

The Completely new Model B and Model 18 were introduced in 1932. The Model 18 had a 221 cu in V8 rated at 65 hp, the first low-priced mass-marketed car to have a V8 engine. The Model B, while visually identical to the Model 18, had a four-cylinder update of the Model A engine.

In 1933 both cars were updated, becoming more streamlined and built on a longer chassis. Power from the V8 rose to 75 hp, while the four-cylinder engine continued unchanged. There were 10 body styles (14 if standard and Deluxe trim levels are counted separately), all being available for V-8 (now called the Model 40) and the Model B. There were no major changes in 1934, although power from the V8 was up to 85hp.

For more information on the Model B see here.

The 1935 Ford was a thorough refresh on the V8-powered Ford. The four-cylinder Model A engine was no longer offered, leaving just the 221cu in V8 to power every Ford car and truck. Visually, the 1935 Ford was more modern with the grille pushed forward and made more prominent by de-emphasized and more-integrated fenders. A major advance was a true integrated trunk on "trunk-back" sedans, though the traditional "flat-back" was also offered. Outdated body styles like the Victoria were also deleted.

The Model 48 was given a cosmetic refresh in 1936 and 1938 before being thoroughly redesigned for 1941.

For more information on the Model 48 see here.

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