Coordinates -23.4159767,-46.4645585
Picture dated March 2011
The Type 3 Volswagen was manufacted between 1961 and 1973.
It followed the VW Beetle in utilizing a low-profile version of Volkswagen's rear-engined, 4-cylinder air-cooled engine. It was available in four formats: a 2-door notchback sedan, 2-door fastback sedan, 2-door station wagon and a 2-door sedan delivery (panel van)
The Type 3 offered both front and rear luggage areas, with rear cargo accessibility via a rear-opening boot (trunk) lid. In all four variants the engine was located under a panel in the rear. The Type 3 also featured wall-to-wall carpeting, and was available with air conditioning in the US.
Despite improving on the Beetle in many ways, and selling almost two million copies, the original car managed to outlive the Type 3 by several years.
The car was assmbled in Wolfsburg, Germany; Emden, Germany; São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil and Clayton, Australia
2,542,382 built
For more information see here.
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